A decade of fly fishing in the streams of 45 countries and states.
Updated or edited 2 months ago
A decade of fly fishing in the streams of 45 countries and states
This book is a paradox. Not because of the content, which is both beautiful and fascinating, but because of the circumstances around it.
The author - Niels Kirch Ãrtoft - is a Dane living in Japan. Few Danes write books in English. Presently I can only remember Preben Torp Jacobsen's "Flyleaves...".
That leads nicely to the next paradox. Torp's book was real homebrew and a small scale production. That is not exactly the case for this book. This is a real coffee table book - a large and handsome volume, which is both nice to leaf through and to read. A book you can very well have on your living room table when you want to show your guests what kind of person you are: the travelling, outdoorsy fly angler. With all due respect to Torp of course.
And there are more paradoxes. Niels Kirch Ãrtoft commenced the travels on which the book is based, in the beginning of the nineties. In the following ten years he travelled and fished in 45 countries. That's more than four countries a year! I think I travel quite a bit, but more than four different countries a year in ten years - that is impressing.
And the destinations encompass rare fishing destinations like Turkey, Sri Lanka and Siberia apart from the more traditional and well known such as USA, South America and New Zealand.
It's just as paradoxical that the author has travelled inexpensively, lived inexpensively and fished inexpensively. Not something you would usually connect with travelling and fishing in such places.
All those paradoxes. But what's the result?
Well, as I mentioned; a fascinating and beautiful book with many stunning photos and a good story from each of the many countries.
The author himself has taken all the photos, and pictures dominate every spread. The photos alone are enough to justify buying this book.
It strives to tell in a short and precise form about the fishing on each destination. Several chapters are just two pages, so it's not a book packed with practical advice for the coming traveller, but you will find facts on fish, people and locations.
I only have two minor issues with this book: the pictures are a bit dark in places and the English could have needed a bit of tightening here and there.
Apart from that, you will rarely find a product as nice as this from the hands of an unknown fly angler.
Niels Kirch Ãrtoft has dared and succeeded.
He has dared with respect to his choice of destinations, his fishing and his writing. Wonderful facts, which have produced a wonderful book.
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