Nick Thomas
- Run on the tying thread and take down to the bend in touching turns.
- Catch in the tail fibres, tie down up the shank, trim the waste and take the thread back to the bend.
- Tie in the body glass flat side down, wind forward in touching turns, tie in and trim off the waste.
- Strip the fibres from the base of a partridge feather, snip out the tip to form a V and tie in under the hook.
- Tie in a length of nymph skin on either side of the thorax area with the free ends hanging back towards the bend.
- Loosely dub the thorax to build up a fat tapered shape.
- Fold one piece of nymph skin forward along the side and bottom of the thorax, tie in then stretch and trim off the waste.
- Repeat with the second piece of nymph skin on the other side of the fly.
- Build a neat head, whip finish and remove the thread.
- Pick out the dubbing from the gap in the wing case and varnish the head.
brown trout
Hook | Sprite S 2200 #12 |
Thread | 14/0 copper |
Tails | Coq de Leon |
Abdomen | Hends BGM39 micro body glass |
Legs | Brown partridge |
Wing case | Virtual Nymph 3mm natural nymph skin |
Thorax | Vicuna hare’s ear substitute dubbing |