Nick Thomas
- Run on the tying thread behind the bead and remove the tag end.
- Tie in the body by the braid at the end and trim off the waste.
- Form a small ball of dubbing at the base of the body, this will splay out the legs.
- Strip the fluff from the base of a partridge feather, push the tips of your scissors around the feather stem and snip off the tip leaving a V shape. Tie in with the feather barbs on either side of the dubbing ball.
- Dub up to the bead, smear the thread with varnish, whip finish and cut the thread.
Hook | Fasna F-120 #14 |
Bead | Get Slotted 3mm black tungsten |
Thread | 12/0 black |
Body | Hollow braid fly line backing barrel knot coloured with fluorescent highlighter pen and coated with UV-resin |
Legs | Olive partridge |
Thorax | Black vicuna dubbing and green SLF |