Charles Robinton
Dry fly
See tying steps
Hook | TMC 5263 (4-10) |
Thread | Fly Master Plus 210 Denier for large patterns, Flymaster 6/0 for smaller flies. For salmonflies use fluorescent orange or rusty orange, for golden stoneflies use gold or yellow/orange. |
Body | 2 sheets of 2mm closed cell foam sandwiched together to create color contrast. For salmonflies use black or brown for the top and orange for the bottom, for goldens use a brown or tan back and gold or yellow for the belly |
Belly flash | Pearl krystal flash wrapped around hook shank |
Hackle | Brown grizzly rooster cape palmered around foam body and clipped short |
Underwing | Krystal Flash |
Wing | 1mm clear packing foam |
Overwing | Deer or elk body hair. Natural for Salmonflies, bleached for goldens. |
Bullet head | Deer or elk body hair. Black or brown for Salmonflies, brown for Goldens |
Legs | Medium round rubber for large flies. Micro round rubber for small ones. Try barred rubber and superfloss for added attractiveness! |